Help to help
Your donation
Donations are used for the short-term realisation of the foundation purpose. They must be used promptly within two years for the foundation's projects.
We use your donation where it is most needed. If you would like to support a specific project, please indicate this when making the transfer.
Of course, you will receive a donation receipt for your tax office claim, provided your name and address are noted in full in the description line. For donations up to and including EUR 300, your tax office will also recognise your bank statement as valid proof of donation.
Your endowment
If you would like to support the work of the Foundation in the long term, you can help us with an endowment donation. Endowment donations are intended to remain long-term in the assets of the Foundation. Your contribution will therefore always be preserved. We use the interest and capital gains from the foundation's capital to fulfill the foundation's purpose.
Because the interest income generated by the foundation's capital can be calculated in advance, endowment donations give us greater planning security for our aid and support projects. They also enable us to cover the administrative costs of our work.
Every Euro counts
e.g. for bread for 50 people for 1 day in Zaporizhia
40 €
E.g. for emergency food for one person for one month in a war zone
500 €
E.g. for firewood per family for a winter period
2.000 €
E.g. for emergency winter repairs of destroyed houses
10.000 €
E.g. for the construction of a fountain for 6,000 people
Occasions for donations
If you would like to help, you can also make others aware of the foundation. There are many ways to support our work financially.
People are always collecting for us at milestone events such as birthdays, silver weddings anniversary, etc.
Some people bequeath part of their inheritance to the foundation. We can use the investment income to finance our work for decades
Some companies double their employees' donations
Other foundations keep approaching us to support individual projects
Some associations and clubs collect for a good cause. We are pleased to provide information material
Is there a charity run at your school or company? Please name us as the recipient

Gift gratitude!
Donations in kind
Donations in kind have always been part of our DNA. We currently need large quantities of winter clothing, shoes, sleeping bags, blankets, hygiene articles, bandages etc. And, of course, non-perishable food - by the pallet or whole lorry loads, and we are also happy to make contact with consumer goods companies. We take care of the logistics.
Unfortunately, we are currently unable to accept private collections - we cannot sort them.
Shoebox campaign
Christmas gifts are brought to to children in Eastern Europe by the shoebox campaign
Large donations
We directly deliver pallets or lorry loads of relief supplies to the people in need
We are always happy to have logistics partners who transport our donations in kind to Eastern Europe
Medical device
Through our contacts with hospitals, retirement homes, orphanages etc., we have recipients for medical devices or hospital equipment
Fire brigade
In Serbia and Ukraine, we provide fire brigades with protective clothing, hoses etc. or entire fire engines. We are always happy to accept material
At present, more than 10 minibuses, vans and lorries donated to us deliver relief supplies every day. We always need well-functioning vehicles
Become a member
As a member, you can make a difference without committing to anything. With an annual contribution of just 12 euros, you can secure a small share in the work of the Csilla von Boeselager Stiftung Osteuropahilfe and enable us to plan projects with foresight. We also invite you to the General Assembly, where the Board of Directors is elected.
You can also promote our work as an ambassador - we thank you!

Tax information
Donations can be claimed for tax purposes up to 20 per cent of the total amount of income. Donations above this maximum amount are carried forward indefinitely to the following assessment periods, i.e. they can be used by the donor as a special expense in the income tax returns of the following years.
Donations to the foundation's assets can be claimed for tax purposes up to an amount of one million euros over a period of ten years. In the case of jointly assessed spouses/life partners, the maximum amount is doubled to two million euros. This maximum amount applies in addition to the donation deduction of 20 per cent of the total amount of income. In this way, the legislator also honours the work of foundations.
In the event that you have inherited and wish to pass on this inheritance or a share (legacy) within two years, you can be retroactively exempted from the corresponding inheritance tax or, alternatively, take advantage of the income tax benefits granted to you for donations and endowments.
If you have any questions on this or any other topic, please contact us. We are happy to talk to you - without any liability.